A common meme part 1 showing a hand coming out of the sea.
Adult Autistic or ADHDer realises they could be neurodivergent
A common meme part 2 showing a hand coming out of the sea and another hand coming to help.
Seeks a diagnosis or self-help
A common meme part 3 showing a hand coming out of the sea and another hand high-fiving it.
Gets confirmation or a diagnosis
A common meme part 4 showing a hand starting to drown.
Realises that most services, help, and information is for children or parents
This is why we're building
Subdued colourful logo two speech bubbles connected. Bubbles contain thought or brain shapes. Neuro Know: self and mutual understanding.
The wellbeing platform for neurodivergent (starting with autistic and ADHD) adults, created by a community of people with lived experience.