We Need Help To Test Our Platform
We'd love to hear from anyone wanting to get involved with helping us develop and test our platform.
We'd be particularly excited to hear from:
- Late-diagnosed or late-identified autistic or ADHD people
- Any adults who were diagnosed or identified as autistic or ADHD as a child
- Anyone who is family or friends of adult autistic or ADHD people
- Anyone who is a colleague of adult autistic or ADHD people
- Anyone who is involved in the education of adult autistic or ADHD people
- Anyone who is involved in the social or emotional support of adult autistic or ADHD people
- Anyone with a professional interest in bettering the inclusion of adult autistic or ADHD people (e.g. social workers, psychologists, counsellors, therapists, policy makers, DEIB/HR specialists etc)
- Anyone with a country-specific view on the problems we are trying to address
You can get involved as much or as little as you like:
- Discussing your needs or wants with us (via video, email or async chat)
- Discussing problems and solutions you found upon discovering your neurodivergence
- Discussing problems and solutions you've found in helping others and yourself navigate other people's neurodivergence
- Testing early versions or designs
- Giving feedback on early versions or designs
- Suggesting content (written, video, visuals)
- Writing or editing content (written, video, visuals)
- Suggesting resources, or research to include
- Discussions (via video, email or async chat) on ethics, legalities or non-commercial aspects of the platform
- Helping with spreading the word or marketing